AVIVA's Story
As a mother of 4 children, I couldn’t take care of them after all the trauma I had experienced in my marriage. My husband is an addict and one night, he jumped on me and tried to kill me with a knife! I barely escaped with my life! I took the children and ran. When I came to Tzfat, I had a gum disease that caused all my teeth to fall out. I had nowhere to live and no money for food. My children were hungry and traumatized by the violence in our family.
At One People One Heart, Dina immediately helped me to get food and a place to live. I was so hurt and wounded. When we arrived in Tzfat, it was winter. Dina arranged for us to have beds, blankets, coats, heaters and shoes. We felt that someone cared and we were not alone. Eventually, I joined the “Violence in the Family” support group and had two therapists, who met with me privately. I was so hurt and wounded.
Two years later, I joined the Drama professional teaching program. Soon afterwards, I began to get jobs teaching young children and stopped taking medication for depression. In the process, I lost 40 pounds! The program helped me to become a licensed child-care professional and I eventually opened my own day-care nursery. I never imagined that I could become independent and successful. One People One Heart believed in me, and then I was able to believe in myself.